Project Euler Problem 129 - Solved
Solution to ProjectEuler's problem 129 in Python using an efficient way to represent a repunit and modular exponentiation.
The statement of the problem can be found here.
Using the same technique as in my previous post to determine whether a number divides a repunit or not, we create a function to find the A(n)
by bruteforcing it.
As A(n)
can't be greater than n we start searching for the number we are looking for from 1000001. The algorithm is really simple:
from CommonFunctions import *
from itertools import *
def A(n):
i = 2
while (mod_pow(10, i, 9 * n) != 1):
i += 1
return i
limit = 10 ** 6
if __name__ == '__main__':
for n in count(1000001, 2):
if str(n)[-1] == '5':
x = A(n)
if x > limit:
print("The result is:", n)
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